• Length in direction: 5 km
  • Difficulty level: 5/10
  • Climbing time: 2 hours
  • Climbing with children: 2,5 hours
  • Height difference: 250 m.
  • Starting point:

    Village Radanje / Village Golem Gaber

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The Kamnik canyon is located in the northwestern foothills of Plachkovica, 9 km east of Shtip and 5 km southeast of the village of Radanje in the municipality of Karbinci. Due to geotectonic conditions, several steeply cut valleys and ravines of the left tributaries of Bregalnica, which descend from the mountain, were formed along the entire northwestern foothills of Plachkovica.

Kamnik is one of the most representative small, relatively shallow canyons, created in the Radanjska Reka valley, or rather its tributary Koshevska Reka. It can be reached through the village of Radanje, which has a solid asphalt road. Then, on foot or with an all-terrain vehicle, you enter through the valley of the Radanjska Reka upstream to the village of Golem Gaber. The valley of the Radanjska Reka itself is very specific due to the huge amount of deposited material, the numerous debris, stones and blocks piled up towards the valley floor. Below the village of Golem Gaber, you reach the mouth of the Koshevska Reka (the population still calls it Shaplak) in Radanjska, and Kamnik begins about 300 m upstream from the mouth. The canyon is about 1.5 km long and only a few tens of meters deep. It is cut along a typical fault line between highly decomposed, eroded gneisses and solid amphibolites. Regardless of the small size, going through the canyon, especially through the narrow and vertical rocks, is a real adrenaline experience. The river here has created several smaller but attractive waterfalls up to 5 m high, with giant pots in the form of pools. Although it usually looks like a small stream, the water level can be quite variable, and during and after rainfall, the weak stream becomes a strong and noisy torrent.

Through the Kamnik canyon, there are two trails according to complexity: a more difficult one, along the watercourse, and an easier one 30-40 m above the bottom. If you walk along the bottom, you have to cross the creek in several places, which is not a problem in the dry season. The best experience is to climb the Kamnik peak (876 m) through the canyon, from which there is an excellent view, especially to the north and west. We can go back again along the canyon (along the other path) or through the Kamnik hill directly to the Radanjska Reka, and through it to the village of Radanje. Total distance in both directions is about 12-15 km or 5-6 hours walking at a moderate pace. It is good that it is dry for at least 2-3 days before (no precipitation), because there are slippery parts on the rocks that can be risky to walk on. It is also a nice walking tour through Kamnik to get to the village. Koševo, and then you can go out to the interesting Topolničko Ezero (above the Buchim mine), or from the village of Shashavarlija you can go to Shtip.

Although any time of the year is nice to visit, due to the wealth of water, the color, the green color of the vegetation in contrast with the grayish-reddish rocks, the most interesting experience is in the spring months. In fact, this entire area has a rich flora and fauna. In addition to the nature, you will be surprised by the interesting, traditional way of life in the nearby villages. In any case, visiting the Kamnik Canyon is a great adventure that will leave you with unforgettable impressions.

Sorce: Wikipedia / igeografija


(under construct.)

Shtip – Village Radanje (8 km) – paved road
Village Radanje – Village Golem Gaber (5 km) – Offroud 4×4

  • Above options are included in the GPS link.