• Length in direction: 5,5 km
  • Difficulty level: 8/10
  • Climbing time: 3,5 hours
  • Climbing with children: 4 hours
  • Height difference: 1.400 m.
  • Starting point:

    Village Vejce

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Kobilica is a mountain peak on Shar Mountain. It is 2528 meters high and is located in the central part of the main Shar Mountain ridge which forms the Macedonian-Kosovo border. It is notable for its sharp pyramidal shape and the Treskavec rocky ridge on the western side of the peak. It is connected to Crn Vrv in the northeast through the Kobilik pass (2,170 m), and in the west the ridge continues to the rocky ridge of Treskavec, and then to the Ljubinski Ushi pass and the Vrtop peak. Kobilica as a whole captivates with its beauty and regular shape, and inspires awe among mountaineers with its sharp and rocky sides. It is also called Tetovski Matterhorn, as a comparison with the famous Matterhorn in the Alps.

Source: Wikipedia


(under construct.)

Village Brodec – Peak Kobilica (8 km)